Wide range of ultrasound guided interventional procedures are being carried out at our center by a team of experienced interventional Radiologists from highest ranked training institutions of the country. These procedures include
In Liver biopsy a needle is inserted into the abnormal area within the liver and tissue is taken. This tissue is then sent to the laboratory to assess the nature of the tissue. If tissue would not be adequate or not taken from exact area then we will not be able to get appropriate results. Therefore ultrasound /CT guidance with accurate technique make it sure to get the adequate tissue from exactly abnormal area. As this procedure is routinely performed at our center, therefore chances of inadequate tissue have reduced to minimum. We also put extra efforts to make this procedure almost pain free
When there is a swelling or lump in superficial parts of the body like neck, thyroid, breast or skin etc., then through a thin needle tiny pieces of tissue are taken from abnormal area. These pieces of tissue are examined by pathologist to assess whether there is cancer or not. This procedure is called Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC). We perform this procedure, under the direct visualization of the needle by the help of ultrasound, so needle hits the accurate area for tissue aspiration, and better histopathology results are obtained
Abscess is an area of infection which is full of pus. Abscess can be located anywhere in the body including skin, subcutaneous fat, organs like liver, spleen and kidney. In ultrasound guided abscess drainage a small needle is entered within the abscess through ultrasound guidance, and maximum pus is aspirated. So through this procedure we can avoid major surgery in case of abscess formation. This procedure is routinely performed at our center. We try our best to make this procedure almost pain free
Pleural effusion is an abnormal fluid collection around the lung. When this fluid is withdrawn with the help of thin needle, this procedure is called pleural tap or pleural aspiration. There are two basic reasons for Pleural aspiration
- To find out why there is fluid around the lung , this is call diagnostic pleural tap
- To relieve the pain and respiratory difficulty. This is called therapeutic pleural tap/aspiration
Both of above mentioned procedures are being carried out at our center with almost 100% success rate. Dr. Khalid Idrees and Dr. Wasim Sajjad have successfully done a large number of these procedures